Presentation at Helman Elementary School
Tish shared stories and songs from Upriver to Morning with kindergarten students at Helman Elementary School in Ashland, Oregon. Here is a testimonial from a teacher at the presentation that day:
“Upriver to Morning, by Tish McFadden, is a beautiful story that allows readers to follow Salmon’s journey up the Rogue River to Boundary Springs. It weaves together important teachings from the Takelma people, local geography, and themes of kindness, friendship, and respect. There are so many learning experiences that can be applied to the elementary classroom with this story.
“Tish came to our Kindergarten classroom to share the first chapter of Upriver to Morning, along with songs she wrote that tie together the journeys of Salmon, Red-tailed Hawk, and Coyote; and the importance of sharing the teachings of our ancestors. Our students were engaged by this wonderful story and Tish’s teaching style. Her joyfulness and bright smile bring love and happiness to children. It is so important that children learn about those who came before us, the Takelma in the Rogue Valley, and I am grateful for this work and opportunity for collaboration and connection.”
Thank you!!
– Jordan Lambert, Student Teacher, Helman Elementary School, Ashland, OR