Upriver to Morning is Cultural, Environmental, Bilingual, and Educational… including a book, audiobook, story theater script, songs, and comprehensive tools for teachers. Written by Tish McFadden, her original story, songs, and educational package are rooted in universal life lessons that deepen our capacity for compassion, our sense of belonging, and our connection to nature. Upriver to Morning weaves inter-generational themes within the context of Salmon’s year-long journey, from the Pacific Ocean to the Rogue River’s source at Boundary Springs.
Upriver to Morning is set in southwest Oregon in the ancient homeland of the Takelma people. The story opens at sunset at the mouth of the Rogue River where Salmon is preparing for his long swim upriver to Boundary Springs, the home of Morning Star, and where all things begin. Not to be left behind on this adventure, and for their own motives, Coyote, Red-Tailed Hawk, Deer Woman, Jackrabbit, and Bear, one-by-one, join Salmon on his trek.
Community engagement for Upriver to Morning is further demonstrated by its strong financial support. To contribute to this unique and timely project and make a secure tax-deductible donation, click here:

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